Growing Older with Jane Austen, by Maggie Lane
Growing Older with Jane Austen. Maggie Lane. London: Robert Hale, 2014. Pp. 192. $34.95 (hardcover). Reviewed by Jeanine Casler, Northwestern…
Age, Culture, Humanities transferred from the Athenaeum Press of Coastal Carolina University to the Royal Danish Library in Spring 2022. Please, visit the journal's new website The old website remains functional for the time being but will not be updated nor will it be open for submissions.
Growing Older with Jane Austen. Maggie Lane. London: Robert Hale, 2014. Pp. 192. $34.95 (hardcover). Reviewed by Jeanine Casler, Northwestern…
The confusion is not my invention, it is all around us and our only chance is to let it in. Letter…
I don’t know, for example, how I will be when I am ninety years old. . . . …
How Pop Culture Shapes the Stages of a Woman’s Life: From Toddlers-in-Tiaras to Cougars-on-the-Prowl. Melissa Ames and Sarah Burcon. Basingstoke:…
I first came across Beauvoir’s The Coming of Age when it was released in English in 1972. My mother (who…
Literary and cinematic speculations about the future of care, read in tandem with the rising prominence of actual robotic caregivers,…
Anybody familiar with Simone de Beauvoir’s book, La Vieillesse (Old Age, 1970), or the English version entitled The Coming of…
The Late Poetry of the Lake Poets: Romanticism Revised. Tim Fulford. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. Pp. 318. $98.00 (hardcover) $39.99 (paperpack)…
Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Age. Reader: Inspiring Old Age—Body and Mind on the Fringes of Social Norms. Tereza Teklic, Sunica Ostoic,…