Another Kind of Intimacy

Care as Transnational and Transcultural Relationship


  • Rüdiger Kunow Potsdam University






Author Biography

Rüdiger Kunow, Potsdam University

is a Professor and Chair of American Studies at Potsdam University. He is a founding member of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS) and has served as President of the German Association for American Studies. In addition to authoring and editing numerous publications, he has served as speaker for several international research collaborations. His research interests focus on cultural constructions of illness and aging, transnational American Studies, materialist cultural theory, and the South Asian diaspora in the U.S. Readers may write to Rüdiger Kunow at 


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How to Cite

Kunow, R. “Another Kind of Intimacy: Care As Transnational and Transcultural Relationship”. Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 2, Jan. 2015, pp. 331-7, doi:10.7146/ageculturehumanities.v2i.130615.